Food Bank Farm
I was hungry and you gave me food.
The mission of Food Bank Farm is to end hunger in the Pacific Northwest by growing fresh produce for area food banks.
Food Bank Farm is an outreach ministry of The Episcopal Church of the Holy Cross in Redmond, WA. Run by our Rector, Jim Eichner, our mission is to end hunger in the Pacific Northwest by growing fresh produce for area food banks.
Food Bank Farm started in 2011 by Fr. Jim Eichner and Holy Cross. With just 12 volunteers and three acres of land, the farm produced 3,750 pounds of food.
Today, Food Bank Farm grows food on 20 acres in the Snoqualmie river valley and with the help of thousands of local volunteers, produces over 300,000 pounds of food each year. To date, Food Bank Farm has delivered over two million pounds of food for local food banks.
Food Bank Farm in the News
“Good Deeds that Feed.” by Julia Duin, 425 Magazine
“I was hungry and you gave me food” by Mary Frances Schjonberg, Episcopal News Service
“Growing a Solution to Hunger” by Pat Foote, Food Lifeline
“Father Eichner Squashes Hunger” by Food Lifeline
“Redmond church’s Food Bank Farm sets new harvest record” by Dede Moore
Get Involved
For all of the upcoming farm events and harvest announcements, please visit our Farm Facebook page and our Signup Genius:
There are many ways to donate to the work of Food Bank Farm. One is to use the giving link at the top of the page and choose ‘Food Bank Farm’ when filling out the Tithe.ly giving form. Another way is through corporate giving and matching with Benevity. The Holy Cross Secular fund, which supports Food Bank Farm, is registered as a cause with Benevity.