Holy Cross Staff
Rector : The Rev. Malcolm McLaurin
Director of Best Beginnings: Kerry Lodge
Associate Rector: The Rev. Jim Eichner | 425-223-7249
Parish Administrator: Jasmine Lopez
The Vestry
The Vestry is a group of 9 lay members who, with the Rector, oversee the life of our parish community. The Vestry is responsible for oversight of the temporal needs of the parish—administration of finance and upkeep of the grounds of the property—and act as a Council of Advice and Consent to the Rector. We are responsible for setting policy, vision and direction at the highest level in the parish. We also plans budgets, stewards, and raises funds for the mission and operation of the parish. The Vestry is not a management committee. Members of the Vestry are elected in rotation at the annual parish meeting and serve for a three-year period.
Meetings are the third Thursday of the month at 7:00pm on Zoom. All meetings are open.
Email us: vestry@holycrossredmond.org
Current members of Vestry (term finish):
Carter Gilliam (2025)
Greg Chandler (2025)
Tsuneko Nakatani (2025)
Arsen Tugan (2027)
Cindy Holeman (2027)
Iris Donley (2027): Youth member
Sujatha Patra (2028)
Dave Altobelli (2028)
Dennis Bounds (2028)
Dan Irwin, Treasurer
Fr. Malcolm McLaurin, Rector
The Diocesan Convention is a gathering of elected representative from all congregations of the diocese. We meet on weekend (Friday & Saturday) each fall for worship, fellowship, to exchange and share ideas, and to conduct the annual business of the Diocese of Olympia.
Delegate’s Ministry Description | Email your Convention Delegates: delegates@holycrossredmond.org

Treasurer's Reports
Financial reports to the Vestry or Congregation will be updated here periodically.